Gemelli is an interior design studio in Sofia, Bulgaria. Extremely talented interior designers Daniela and Branimir Ivanov designed these unusual possibilities for the bathroom’s interior. Plumbing location in many levels and broken lines attached bathroom design its originality. The first of the projects is referred to as “H2O in Geometry”.
“The bathroom – a extremely crucial area in the house, and, possibly, the only place to remain in solitude, where you could loosen up, feel and dream – say designers. – We chose the name «H2O in Geometry», since the water – one of the essential elements of our design and style project.”
On this project the bathroom has two places, two levels with diverse functional characteristics. Nevertheless, the designers combine indivisible location there. The sink, the toilet and the bidet are situated at the bottom and a shower on the upper level. Levels combined with the ladder, which also has a various function. For instance, you could sit on it. Over the mirrors which situated above the sink there is a niche in the wall which is comfortable, but do not distract the eye from the interior. Storage cabinet is installed in between the sinks. In the sanitary location there is also a niche for books and a small portable pc. The upper level will assist to relax: it has a separate bath and shower.
The second project is named “Oasis in a sandstorm”. It’s a creative idea of a combined bedroom and bath which separated by a fireplace and a glass wall. The principal objective of the space is ensured, that you have full relaxation. It is attainable with the aid relaxing mixture of colour purple belt and yellow bedroom. Thanks to this variety bath may possibly be compared with an oasis in the desert. Bath is set subsequent to a window, which offers a gorgeous view of the sea. Also, the project has a comfy sofa on which you could loosen up right after a bath or have disposing conversation although enjoying the view from the window.
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