Dressed to the Nines

To all mothers, of all places in the world, of all styles, of all ages, for all those who are simply women, who are deeply love, who are above all and mainly mothers...

Happy Mother's Day!

Millions of kisses,


Dressed to the Nines, Alfadolls

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

Dressed to the Nines

The Gifts of Life

Dressed to the Nines

The Gifts of Life


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