Compact Apartment In Warsaw architecture

This apartment is developed for comfort and relaxation with the child’s father, in the room there is even a folding table with a kitchen. Due to the transformation of the kitchen can be straightforward to hide, so the kid could spend more time on active games. In such an apartment would be effortless to run, shoot, jump.

 Compact Apartment In Warsaw architecture

If the kitchen is collected into a single, the room is spacious and the kitchen has not even attracted focus due to the fact it is white.

 Compact Apartment In Warsaw architecture

When the kitchen is in the unfolded type, the combination of colors looks very impressive and colorful, this color scheme is striking in its beauty.

 Compact Apartment In Warsaw architecture

The basic furnishings that is used is produced to order, the components utilised in the most simple, plywood, which is painted in a vibrant colour.

 Compact Apartment In Warsaw architecture

Considering that the boys really like to run around and have fun, practically all the furniture in the property folding, also beautiful and comfortable bag for seats or felting.

 Compact Apartment In Warsaw architecture

Very comfy bedroom with a huge mattress, and the most unusual is the arch between the bedroom and bathroom, which is covered with transparent plastic that is effortless to clean.

 Compact Apartment In Warsaw architecture

The area is low and there is a modest window in which you can admire the lovely panorama of Warsaw.

 Compact Apartment In Warsaw architecture

The bathroom has a big window which is also directed to the window, looks very interesting, the washing machine is built under the bed, and component of it, as it were, and in the bathroom and in the bedroom.

 Compact Apartment In Warsaw architecture

The room is spacious and comfy it can also be utilised to make guests at the dining table can seat 4 men and women if the table is folded, it is really possible to produce a divider among the kitchen and greasy spot.

picture 4120 Compact Apartment In Warsaw architecture


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